We create a Help Center on your website and provide live chat representatives and chatbots for small to medium businesses.

We at Claymind believe that customer support should be excellent starting from your website. Your customers want answers to their questions the fastest way possible. Claymind provides a Help Center on your website so that your customers can find the answers they are looking for through a Knowledge Base, an FAQ, or even instructional videos and blogs. If that doesn't answer their questions, we provide real chat agents to to solve the problem. We also provide website customization and development (in case you do not have a website yet). We are experts in SEO, web design and user experience and would like to see your website and your business take off to new heights.

Servicios que ofrece
Development Services
Design/Guide Theming
System Integrator
North America
Tipo de socio
App Developer
Implementation Partner
Solution Provider
Referral Partner

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