Messaging and Help Center Authentication

Automatically identify help center users in Zendesk messaging. Free For 30 Days!

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Preview image of app
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Detalles de la aplicación

Funciona con
total de instalaciones
Less than 5
Precio (USD)
Multiple plans available

Las aplicaciones se instalan directamente en su cuenta

Planes y precios

Free 30 Days Trial, No credit card

Never pay a thing

Try the app for 14 days with no credit card required.


  • Identify all users reaching out via your messaging widget in the help center.
  • Use authenticated email in conversational bot answers.
  • Route tickets based on your user data.
Enterprise Plan

$299.00 per month

All Free Trial features and:

  • Enterprise security review

  • Custom terms and redlines

  • Signed NDA\DPA.

  • Guaranteed 99% Uptime SLA

  • GDPR Compliance

  • Custom feature requests

  • Phone/video call priority support

Enterprise HIPAA

$499.00 per month

Everything in the Enterprise plan, plus HIPAA compliance

¿Tiene instalada la aplicación?

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