Signature 4 Groups

Set a different signature for every group in Zendesk.

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Detalles de la aplicación

Funciona con
total de instalaciones
Cedric F. Jacob
Precio (USD)
$1.95 per agent, per month

Las aplicaciones se instalan directamente en su cuenta

6 reseñas
Pauline Gehrmann Golomer
over 4 years ago

Funktioniert super! Thanks! We are looking forward to the new version!

over 4 years ago

The app worked great for our company for months. Then all of a sudden it stopped working and is no longer applying signatures to any of our emails. Though its setup, turned on, and shows in the apps section of the ticket that it will apply signature. I've sent numerous emails to the developer with no response to my inquiry, Getting 2 stars because it did work... at one point.

Weber Support
almost 6 years ago

Exactly what we needed! Thanks

almost 6 years ago

Great app for consistent signatures throughout the teams.

Bernhard Singer
over 6 years ago

Finally an app which fits our needs for customized apps - perfect!

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